London: 10/10

So now we’ve been in London for little over a month, and so far its GREAT. London is such an amazing city.

The group I’m visiting is great! Such a privilege to be a (brief and temporary) part of this group. There is so much experience in the group, most of them are postdocs which I think is reflected in the depth of the project discussions. Its difficult to know what to expect of a research group in a larger institution coming from a quite small university but I do feel I can contribute, which is a great feeling.

The project I’m involved in is intriguing. Its far from my PhD project in terms of actual biology and research question but I am analysing scRNA-seq data which is very relevant for my own projects. Also, its quite nice to get a break from my projects, its easy to get stuck in your own research bubble and forget there are so many important and interesting research questions out there.

I’ve been running with the Crick running group on Thursdays and the Hampstead Heath parkrun on Saturdays, people are generally quite inviting. Looking forward to a zombie run in a few weeks. Shifting over my training focus from powerlifting to running and aiming for a sub 20min 5k is very fun, introducing an extra run day per week (4 running, 2 lifting) with plenty of interval training.

I’m happy I still have some time left here in London, there are so many things left to explore both of a personal and professional level.