Who am I?

A computational biologist interested in the X-chromosome. Doing a PhD in Colm Nestors group at Linköping University, Sweden. Will be half-way in April 2023. Chess, running and powerlifting.

What are my research interests?

On a very overarching level my primary research interest is how and why men and women are affected by diseases differently. Why are many autoimmune dieases more common in women, and why are men more susceptible to severe infections? This difference is probably due to a multidude of factors, including differences in lifestyle, hormones and genetics.

However, as someone who is fascinated by genetics this is the area that I want to focus my research on; how can the largest genetic difference in males vs females, the X-chromosome, contribute to preventing or promting disease?

What kind of work do I do?

I am a wet lab biologist by education (masters degree in Medical Biology from Linköping University), but for the last 3½ years I have worked (almost) exclusively with processing and analysing data. The projects I’m currently working on involves whole-exome sequencing (WES), RNA-seq and DNA methylation array (EPIC) data and has been analysed using Bash and R. I will write more about these projects once they are finished.

What’s next?

Trip to London

In the beginning of 2023 I will go to London to visit James Turners lab at the Francis Crick Institute. This is very exciting.

Continuing this thing

I see this as a way of practicing how to express my strengths, as well as a way of learning how to make quick and easy websites, preferably using HTML or CSS. I think being good at both these things is a requirement of someone perceiving themselves as techsavvy PhD student.